Build a review website

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Have you ever looked for a particular kind of software or online tools? For example VPN, there’s a good chance you end up at a website that is filled with ads and have to scroll a lot to get to the top pick in the list. This is the idea!

Step 1

Build a website and fill it with reviews of various services, it’s great if you actually review them, but you could also just list them, provide some description and sort them as you see reasonable of based on your experience and honest opinion.

Step 2

Spend some time on SEO, when your site gets indexed, traffic starts flowing in.

Step 3

Put some ads all around the website and Profit! When you get bigger and more estbalished player you could offer service providers promoted placements. Additionally, if you have any pecular habit or specific knowledge on any nieche you have a higher change at capturing a larger chunk of traffic for that particular audience.

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